Winter Toxins & Dangers

Winter time is a crucial time for pet owners to be aware of potential poisons to our animals. Our pets go about their usual daily business not understanding the dangers they may encounter during the Winter/Autumn period. Here are some of the common seasonal dangers:

  • Antifreeze: This is one of the most common dangers because antifreeze contains Ethylene-glycol - something which is harmful to ourselves and our pets. Just a small teaspoon can be fatal in cats and lead to kidney failure in dogs.
  • Plants: seasonal plants such as Holly, Ivy, Pine Cones, Pine Needles, Poinsettia and Mistletoe are all harmful.
  • Mushrooms: this is the time of year where mushrooms begin to spring up and we should be mindful that certain mushrooms can be fatal, just like with humans!
  • Chocolate: Winter time is often filled with chocolate. We often have chocolate on and around the Christmas tree, laying around on the tables, hot chocolate to drink... the higher the cocoa content, the more toxic it can be because of a substance called theobromine. Our pet's bodies cannot process this in the same way we can.
  • Raisins, sultanas and currents: these are often found in mince pies, Christmas pudding/cake. Although they are scrummy for humans, they certainly don't agree with dogs - often causing kidney failure.

If you think your pet has eaten something they shouldn't have, it is crucial for your to contact your veterinary practice immediately to discuss. They may recommend either monitoring or visiting the practice immediately for treatment.

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