
My name is Natasha and I am a Registered Veterinary Nurse and Registered Animal Medicines Advisor from Cambridgeshire. I qualified in Autumn 2024 and currently work in first opinion within an independent small animal practice. Within the near future I plan on doing my emergency and critical care certificate and then look into starting my advanced surgical nursing course. Here is a little bit about how I got into veterinary, a very small amount about my journey as a student and why this website has been created.

How it all started:

I was very young when I was stood in the kitchen of my childhood home happily announcing to my Mum that I wanted to be a vet when I grew up. It was no surprise that I was an animal lover from a young age – I was growing up around a cat, hamster, chinchillas and birds.

My childhood revolved around Animal Hospital toys. I genuinely don't think I went a single Christmas/Birthday without unwrapping something that was veterinary related. I know there's a photo of me somewhere dressed up in green scrubs, a theatre hat, mask and a plastic stethoscope with a plastic trolley containing all of my necessary instruments to save my teddy bears - I promise to share it when me or my parents come across it again.

From a young age, I soon realised the difference between a veterinary surgeon and veterinary nurse and I set my sights on becoming a nurse. I knew in my heart that I had no choice but to pursue my dream of getting into veterinary as, like many people with an ambition, I genuinely felt there was nothing else in this world for me to do.

As a child I hoped and dreamt that one day I would do it "for real" because it would be filled with doing 'good things' for animals - and it is everything I hoped for and more, regardless of the negative moments and days we may face in practice ❤️

My aim with this website:

Students - Throughout my student journey I struggled to find revision aids that weren't "too much", I found articles to be very formal and written in a way that I felt was too much for a student. When starting out, I would start reading an article and then give up after a few paragraphs. All of those "big" words that I had to keep Googling - it wasn't making it an enjoyable read. Sometimes I felt I'd never learn because of this. But, as many people kept telling me: "it will all fall into place". But I want to give SVNs an opportunity to read something understandable, articles that give an introduction to a certain topic rather than being thrown in at the deep end. There are revision aids to help with calculations, radiography, nursing care, EPA prep and so much more is yet to come. I try to keep costs as low as possible as I'm fully aware not many students are lucky enough to be earning the national living wage as a minimum and many students work voluntarily and/or fund the veterinary nursing course themselves.

Home visits - if you are able to have a registered veterinary nurse visit your home for services listed on this website, then why not? Sometimes our pets are more comfortable to have, for example, their nails clipped at home instead of at the veterinary practice where there are lots of different noises, animals and funny smells. Many practices are currently experiencing a backlog of appointments so if you are unable to book, I can hopefully help in the meantime. I aim to make my visit to your pet as calm as possible whilst adding in lots of love and cuddles as well as treats (if they're allowed!).

General - If you have a lovely story to share such as your experience of saving an animals life, an interesting story about how you rescued your pet or any story relevant to animals - share them with me via the contact link! I plan on making a page on this website to share positivity with others ❤️

If you have any questions, please feel free to use the 'contact us' page.

I am insured and you can find me on the register with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) as a Registered Veterinary Nurse. Registration number: 7469560

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