Revision Techniques

Revision timetable:

At the start, you may feel a little overwhelmed at the thought of having so many exams, assignments, classroom/online learning to do alongside completing your portfolio. Using a study plan timetable to write down when your mock exams, final exams and assignments are due can help you when it comes to revision. When planning, make sure you split your time equally, dedicating at least one revision slot per exam, per week.

Revision timetable:

At the start, you may feel a little overwhelmed at the thought of having so many exams, assignments, classroom/online learning to do alongside completing your portfolio. Using a study plan timetable to write down when your mock exams, final exams and assignments are due can help you when it comes to revision. When planning, make sure you split your time equally, dedicating at least one revision slot per exam, per week.

Where and when do you work best?

Some people are more of a morning person than others, whilst others tend to be more awake during the evening. This depends on your work commitments but you can still aim to study around the time you think is best for you.

Know your learning style:

If you understand your learning style, this will help. Further down this page you will find the differences between each learning strategy. If you are not sure what your learning style is, click this link to take a quick quiz:

Identifying revision material:

This can include previous test results including mock exams and practice quizzes, looking at your own assignments that you have passed, textbooks, articles, clear notes from your lectures that you have written yourself. You can also make your own revision flashcards or use a mix and match games.

How to make it through each exam:

Make sure you understand what type of exam it is you’re sitting. Is it multiple choice, written, verbal, practical? Make sure you look to see what the pass mark is, how many questions/tasks will equate to that pass mark.

Taking breaks:

It is very easy to just keep on going once you are sat down and comfortable whilst revising. Revise for a set amount of time and make sure you take a 10-15 minute break. If you are solidly revising for hours without a break, you will find yourself not retaining the information required. Many people set themselves a timer for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minute break and repeat 4-5 times.

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